Solving Critical Gaps

In The Additive Manufacturing Workflow


Cure used and expired UV/EV resin into a hard plastic stock using WRAP technology.
Complete post-processing workflow solution: initial part cleaning, UV curing, and thermal curing.
Automatic post-curing of small, low-to-medium volume parts.

Who We Are

Onulis was built on the mission of solving critical gaps in the additive manufacturing workflow. With an extensive background in product development, our creative team of engineers have a keen focus on bringing to market intuitive products that solve current industrial pain-points. Our knowledgeable, friendly team of experts are here to help you realize world-class performance.


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"Great for the shop and the environment! Fill it and leave it, you have the peace of mind that excess material is being handled right and safely."

"Before I switched to the WRAP Prime, post-curing resin prints was easily the most labor-intensive step when finishing prints from my Origin One 3D printer. The WRAP Prime's motorized turntable and gentle LED UV lights allow me to set it and forget it."

“We finally got our new Onulis WRAP unit! Who needs to flush expired resin down the toilet? Not us!... Just kidding, we always disposed old and expired resin through a vendor, BUT NO MORE! Now we can do it ourselves! Bought it through Purple Platypus in Irvine, California.”

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